Attention Shifting, LLC ئاپەکان

Ad Free Alex Jones Infowars 1.0
Attention Shifting, LLC
This is [currently] an unofficial ad free AlexJones / Infowars app. Stay up to date with the latest news from theInfowars team.Alex Jones is internationally recognized by many as atrailblazer of new media and an icon of the burgeoning libertymovement. Starting at the tender age of 20, Jones launched anaccess television show which within a year led to him scoring ahighly rated week night radio show in Austin, Texas. The Alex JonesShow is now syndicated on over 160 stations across the country androutinely breaks huge stories in addition to featuring some of themost insightful and news making guests from across the world. Jonesis dedicated to libertarian and constitutionalist ideas, inaddition to what he has coined “1776 worldwide” – promoting a trueculture of liberty, transparency and freedom on a planetary scaleto empower humanity, while vehemently opposing Agenda 21 and theglobalist threat to national sovereignty.
Intro to NLP and Hypnosis 1.1
Attention Shifting, LLC
IMPORTANT**** This app is 98 MB and may require a WIFI connection todownload. ****This hypnosis app includes• 25 minute Overview of Ericksonian hypnosis - NLP / self-hypnosisaudio program with binaural beat frequencies• 25 minute Intro to NLP - NLP / self-hypnosis audio program withbinaural beat frequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"This free hypnosis app provides an overview of EricksonianHypnosis - the field of indirect hypnosis from whichneuro-linguistic programming (NLP) was developed. As the listenerbegins to understand that all communication is hypnotic by nature,then one can begin to change the words being used. We are our ownbest hypnotists and often the language we use frees us or limits usin our overall experience of life. If you are serious about yourpersonal development, then understanding the unconscious side ofcommunication is an absolute must. Words reflect our souls; ourwords, our minds, our beliefs… Change your words and you changeyour life.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
From Depression to Hope 1.1
This app includes:• 26 minute NLP / hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Many people experience depression in life, and it's all forvarious reasons...For some, it seems never-ending and for others it may becircumstantial; coming and going.There is a way out of depression - when your entire world seemsto be collapsing upon you - you can experience change. FromDepression to Hope will show you powerful ways to reframepreviously depressing experiences and this program will hold aspace for you to create the changes you want, and resolve oldchallenges now. If you have ever experienced a time when you feltcompletely overwhelmed or pushed to the brink of depression, makeone subtle, small change today.Add this program to your collection and as you prepare to listento it consider how exactly you want your life to be different. Howgood do you want to feel? What specific emotions to you want toexperience? What would be beneficial to fill that gnawing, emptyvoid with that has taken up so much time in your life...?As you consider these questions, trust that what you do want toexperience is very close and waiting for you to experience it.There is always hope.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Transpersonal Meditation 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 57 MB in size and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 41 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Psychologist, Carl Jung, first used the phrase transpersonalunconscious as another way to describe the theory of the collectiveunconscious (the shared, intuitive knowledge shared by humanbeings). The term transpersonal means going beyond or transcendingthe bounds of ego. It can describe a state of oneness ornothingness as in the absence of preconception or senses.Often, individuals who have these experiences recount that theexperience was simply and profoundly beyond words as languageserves only to limit an experience that is timeless, spaceless, andoutside of ego function (the perception of the personal "I"). Thatwas their experience, and whatever is waiting to happen next foryou will be yours when you listen to this meditation program.The term chakra is Sanskrit word that translates into "wheel".The concept of chakras traces its earliest heritage back to thelater Upanishads (Hindu texts estimated to be written during themiddle of the first millennium BCE). A chakra is considered to be acenter of activity that receives and expresses life force energy.From a scientific perspective, a chakra is a center of bioenergeticactivity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forwardfrom the spinal column. Paying attention to the various chakracenters will serve as a filter for you to bring awareness tovarious elements of your humanity that more often than not arelargely outside of conscious awareness.This personal development program is about accepting theexperience that occurs and allowing it to fade away. Similar tomany forms of meditation in which one acknowledges what comes tomind, then immediately allows it to go away while continuing toobserve. As you practice with this meditation you will learn aboutyour deep fears and hopes, and you will find that there is theability to integrate your experiences and transcend them.After all... "we are not human beings having a spiritualexperience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~Teilhard de Chardin<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Dynamic Determination 1.0 1.1
This app includes:• 16 minute NLP / hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"I'm going to guess that there are probably a few things in yourlife that you desperately want to experience. It may be a specificrelationship, career, business venture, physique, or something evenmore big-picture that affects the entire world in a way that isbeneficial and holistic.This NLP program is designed to rapidly empower you to take thenecessary steps toward what you want to experience. By buildingupon the small steps, you can quickly move toward success in whatyou want. Many people have big picture wishes or hopes, but theyhave not identified the little steps in-between, which when linkedtogether will absolutely result in success.Developing the smallest steps toward action and then linkingthis to a burning desire to succeed will empower you to rapidlyachieve your desired outcome no matter how big or small. This is anexcellent program to begin your day with, or even use on your lunchbreak to quickly get into the state of mind that will benefit youthe most. Be amazing.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
MJE - Personal Development App
Attention Shifting, LLC
***** Where has Michael Emery been ALL MYLIFE!!! - I have gotten soooo much done. Now have purchased otheritems of his. Prior to this, I was mentally stuck and scatterbrained. NO MORE. {IN MY INFOMERCIAL VOICE}I stand by this product,and you should too!!! (Put Off Procrastination 1.0) ~ kkdub79***** Ericksonian hypnosis at its best. - Without ever giving youany suggestions to relax or count backwards or any of the typicalhypnotic inductions, this recording puts you in a deep trance. AndI noticed an immediate jump in my willingness to do what it takesto be successful. Well done. (Sheer Resolve) ~ Adam Khan***** Great product, I'm happy - So much more than I expected &totally worth it. I am so happy I bought this. Thanks to theauthor. (Advanced Sports Imagery) ~ Jesse Wilkins***** Life changing... - If you're struggling with any aspect ofresentment towards another, or even your situation in life, thisdownload is tremendously healing. I wouldn't have believed it, hadI not experienced it personally. (Full Forgiveness) ~ Katie________If you are finding your eyes following these words, then your lifeis about to change dramatically…Continue reading closely as your unconscious mind prepares for whatis ahead.After simply installing the free MJE app you will be immersed intoa world of possibility and potential - waiting for you to decidejust how big, exciting and vivid you want your life's experiencesto be. Language and words structure what we perceive to be reality.Through the filter of your paradigm (your personal experiences,education, culture, language, and belief system) you assignmeaning(s) to every experience and these become unconsciouspatterns that alter your perceptions of the underlying causes ofyour life experiences and your identity. Change your words and youchange your life.This free app includes the following programs:- Experience Trance: An overview of Ericksonian Hypnosis - thefield of indirect hypnosis from which neuro-linguistic programming(NLP) was developed. (25 min. audio)- Intro to NLP: An experiential overview of neuro-linguisticprogramming. (25 min. audio)- Disappearing Cancer: Emotional management, guided imagery, andNLP reframing for people whose lives have been affected by cancer.(50 min. audio)As the listener begins to understand that all communication ishypnotic by nature, then one can begin to change how words areused. We are our own best hypnotists and often the language we usefrees us or limits us in our overall experience of life.The following audio programs are available as in-app purchases andeach of the Attention Shifting personal development programs have aunique process, feel, and approach designed to empower thelistener. These audio programs utilize NLP (neuro-linguisticprogramming), Ericksonian hypnosis, meditation, binaural beats,brainwave frequencies, and guided visualization and imagery to helpthe listener experience personal transformation.In-App Purchases available:- A+ Student 1 & 2- Advanced Sports Imagery- Attracting Wealth 1 & 2- Applying Anger- Compelling Clarity- Complete Confidence 1 & 2- Creative Space- Deep Sleep 1 & 2- Dynamic Determination 1 & 2- End Your Day Perfectly- Expressive Personality 2- From Depression to Hope- Full Forgiveness- Healing the Inner Child 1 & 2- How to Visualize- Just Your Luck- Pure Focus- Put Off Procrastination 1 & 2- Re-Imprinting Yourself- Reclaim Your Life from PTSD- Release Stress- Sheer Resolve- Start Your Day Right- The Call- Transpersonal Meditation(The majority of these programs can also be found in individualAndroid apps)-About the Developer-Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
How to Visualize - NLP App 1.1
IMPORTANT**** This app is 156 MB and may require a WIFI connection todownload. ****This app includes:• 49 minute How to Visualize - Self Awareness and the FiveSenses (NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies). Creative visualization techniques designed to awakenand vivify how your mind perceives the information coming inthrough all of your sensory faculties.• 45 minute How to Visualize - The Visual Submodalities ofPerception (NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies). Understand creative visualization techniques drawingspecifically upon NLP perception models designed to encompass afull spectrum of mental processing and how this visualisationaffects physiological and emotional states.• 48 minute How to Visualize - Time and Space Imagery (NLP /self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beat frequencies).Experience how creative perceptions of time and space affect theways that information is coded into your mind-body whileunderstanding how linguistically this also occurs in real lifeunconsciously during communication• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Creative visualization is directly related to personalsuccess.The words we hear become the fabric of our internal landscapes;weaving together patterns that serve to either limit and disempowerus or fill us with personal power, potential, and possibility. Whatis interesting is that outside of the field of NLP(neuro-linguistic programming), the basic principles of how tovisualize are simply not being taught. It is assumed that skilledartists, designers, engineers or entrepreneurs are innately gifted;born this way. While this is a positive, confidence-instillingbelief for those who effortlessly (and unconsciously) have noproblem visualizing life in action - the rest of us seem to fumbleabout with blurry, obscure, and fading internal images.But, it doesn't have to be that way. Fortunately, success leavesbehind it a trail of techniques, attitudes, mindsets and behaviors…You can learn how to develop the visualization talents that just afew seem to be born with…Across the board, it doesn't matter if you want to transformyour lifestyle, illustrate better, write in a way that expressesyour true sentiments, dream bigger, move towards becoming a betterathlete, or have the goal of creating a business now or someday inthe future. I believe the keys to your success in nearly everyendeavor happen in your mind first with the quality of yourinternal imagery and understanding how to visualize. Your abilityto look upon these inner reflections of reality doesn't have to bea hard, difficult process unless you don't know where to begin.What is needed to learn how to visualize is similar to building ahouse: first, you lay a foundation; second, the framework; and fromhere the rest of it happens according to plan, but without thefirst two important steps the home envisioned will never beproperly constructed. This is true for art, business, sports,relationships and any other endeavor worth experiencing at itsbest. Practice and perfect what you desire - your goals - in yourmind's eye and do not be surprised as it happens the way youperfected it because you're using these creative methods andtechniques.Now, the choice is yours to decide if you want to enhance yourcreative ability and seize control of your internal landscape.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Put Off Procrastination 1.0 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 51 MB in size and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 39 minute NLP / self hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 25 page e-book examining procrastination from a neuro-linguisticprogramming (NLP) perspective***** Actually works!I've been listening to this for a month and am now much morefocused, I can concentrate a lot better: I am done with my thesis(it had been sitting undone on my desk for three months, beforegetting this subliminal mp3). My fiance, who lives with me, hardlynotices it. I told him it's to help me relax. I've noticed a changein his behavior, as well as mine. He is always jumping up to doeverything now (even helping me with housework). He's also studyinga lot more instead of web surfing or watching tv. - G.Castaneda***** One of the best I have listened to…This was probably one of the most thought shifting programs Ihave listened to. I would absolutely recommend this title. - Newy"J2N"***** Powered up!This particular mp3 was quite empowering. I felt more energizedand more focused. I made the mistake of listening before bed...really to see if it truly worked; it was like drinking 2 cups ofcoffee. Needless to say, I never got any sleep that night andnothing was left to procrastination! After I listen to the mp3(usually in the morning before getting out of bed), there is nolittle doubt free floating in my mind. I just stay focused and workwell through whatever task is at hand. I don't put things aside towork on later.. we all know that pile! Well, when that pile startsshowing up again, I know it's time to listen to this mp3. I highlyrecommend. - D. KikuchiIs "I'll do it tomorrow…" Turning into next week, next month oreven next year…?Change this completely and now with Put Off Procrastination.It's really important. It really is... But, getting around todoing it is just so difficult.If only you had more motivation. When you think about it, howmany times have you heard about people who have done great things;amazing things in life and the common theme is that they finallybecame so sick and tired of not doing what was important tothem?It was this realization that suddenly pushed them forward andthey set out to make things happen - despite fear and despite whatother people thought was possible for them.What about you? What if you were able to easily and effortlesslydo the things that are uncomfortable, boring or overwhelming today;knowing deep down inside that this will lead to the success thatyou want to experience in the near future? Remember, you can getback to procrastinating later. Aren't there important things thatbenefit your life and the lives of those around you that you reallywant to be doing... now?<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Deep Sleep 1.0 Sleep Hypnosis 1.2
This app includes:• 22 minute NLP / self-hypnosis Deep Sleep audio program withbinaural beat frequencies• 22 minute binaural beat frequencies music only audio***** Deep Sleep mp3 really works!Hi all. I listen to Michael's 'Deep Sleep' mp3 regularly and Ifind it to be very effective. Even when I am stressed and worriedthat I won't be able to works. I admit that on occasionI am inclined to 'decide' that the mp3 'will not work' because I amfar 'too stressed' for anything to help. On these occasions - thelast thing I remember is Michael's voice and the soothing music -the next thing I know - the alarm clock is beeping and I have toget up for work! 10/10 - SJ***** Great Program!I've studied NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis for over five yearsand used it extensively. Michael does an excellent job ofincorporating the key principles of both in this program. As a guy,Michael's voice is perfectly fine to listen to in this context. Ifind that the program is perfect to fall asleep to, particularlyfor repeated use. I found it very nice that he didn't speak throughthe entire program because, well I was trying to fall asleep. Themusic is binaural which is very effective for slowing down brainactivity in preparation for sleep. He could easily charge $10 or$20 for the program so definitely check it out and use it for aweek straight (with headphones is best). - SteveHow Important Is A Full Night's Worth Of Sleep To You...?No Chemicals. All Natural. Deep Sleep.The audio component of Deep Sleep is designed with soothingsounds and ambient dimensions to bring even the most restless ofminds to slow down and relax into restful REM sleep. Specific soundfrequencies scientifically shown to slow the brain's activity areused in this program to create an environment for deep sleep. Ifyou suffer from insomnia, anxiety, or random thoughts runningthrough your mind when you are trying to sleep, then try a naturalway to safely fall asleep.This app includes an audio program that is specifically designedto train your body how to enter a state of restful sleep. In veryshort time and with continual use of this program most peoplecreate an association between the sounds of this program and theirbody allowing them to enter a healthy state of deep sleep. Begintomorrow differently; feeling completely rested and having sleptwell... tonight.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Creative Space - Visualization 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 57 MB in size and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 27 minute NLP / hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Creativity is a mind/body process resulting in the generation ofnew ideas, concepts, and associations. Or, perceptions betweenpreviously unrelated elements and elements sharing similarity.Divergent thought is both original and appropriate for thechallenge, need, or opportunity at hand. The Latin root "creatus"literally means to have grown. And, during this program, you willhave many opportunities to see beyond limitations and captureoriginal thoughts. The purpose for this program is to create awhite room, a specific space in your mind, or a place that only youwill know about... Here you will be able to store all thoughts,ideas and plans that are relevant to your needs. This space isspecifically reserved for your creative process. Here anything ispossible... all the rules are for you to decide.If you choose, you can produce something that is partly new orcompletely new. Or, even imagine a new possibility that has neverbeen conceived of until now…Using this self - hypnosis / guided imagery program thatincorporates NLP language patterns and modalities, you will be ableto harness your creativity and bring it to fruition.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Reclaim Your Life from PTSD 1.1
IMPORTANT**** This app is 63 MB and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.****This app includes:• 49 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Changed an EMT's life - Jacob"Reclaim Your Life from Posttraumatic Stress has helped me get pastsome intense memories that were haunting me. I still remember theevents but the emotions are mostly gone. Closure really makes adifference and I'm amazed that it happened listening to an audioprogram."This program is specifically designed for soldiers, veterans,first responders, law enforcement and all individuals who haveexperienced a traumatic event that, until now, had impeded yourquality of life. It is important I point out several facts – toprotect both of us and give you a full overview of the contents ofthis program.I am not a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or medicaldoctor. As I do not know the specific details of yourcircumstances, all mental imagery or experiences stem from yourunconscious mind and you accept the responsibility to heal yourselfby listening to this program. Additionally, I am not diagnosing anydisorders nor do I have the intention to diagnose as I do not havethe authority to do so.This program was originally made for a friend working and livingin a stressful military combat zone. I use neuro linguisticprogramming techniques to help you alter the way you are processinginformation, and create an environment for self-hypnosis that Ihave personally found to be useful for managing fear and creatinginternal peace.In this audio program, my intention is to share with you certainpresuppositions, or understandings, of the way the human mind worksbased upon theories from the fields of neuro-linguistic programming(NLP) and hypnosis. I don’t ask that you believe anything I say,rather you question for yourself everything... Because, ultimatelyyou are the sole individual responsible for the course of yourlife.Allow me to share an overview of the process we will go through:I will explain and apply an NLP Technique that has been used tomanage fear responses in situations where people believed they hadphobias. This technique is designed to allow a person to review asituation while distancing oneself from the emotions of an eventand changing the old fear response into something that allows youto function normally – as you define normal – in this specificcontext. Following this, we will explore the new possibilities youwill have after that old problem has stopped interfering with yourlife.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Pure Focus 1.1
This app includes:• 24 minute NLP / hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"What if you could harness the power that your habits have beenexhibiting in your life and redirect this force into a state ofpure focus that you can aim at any goal or challenge in order toachieve your desired outcome in a way that is nearlyeffortless…?How would your life be different, then?It’s been said before that your habits will determine yourfuture and when observed it has been found that successful peopletypically have successful habits that compound and grow permeatinginto all areas of their lives in a way that you will similarlyexperience. This is making it impossible for you to not experiencepure focus automatically. A habit is something that you do so oftenit becomes easy; often occurring without a person even realizing itis happening because the experience and the process has been sodeeply encoded into someone’s unconscious mind that it happens onits own accord. All you need is the appropriate context orsituation and this habit begins to operate... Begin today with thisNLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis program, and pay close attention toyour ability to intensify your focus in the very near future.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Disappearing Cancer 1.1
Attention Shifting, LLC
IMPORTANT*****This app is 60 MB in size and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 51 minute NLP / hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Cancer has affected so many lives. It seems that many peoplealong with their families and friends suddenly come face to facewith the temporal nature of life and they don't know where tobegin. One of the themes that permeates the program is that offorgiveness and letting go of emotionally charged events from yourpast.This program will affect the way a person faced with thechallenges of cancer interacts with their friends and family, andhow they can move into well-being. It doesn't matter if you payclose attention to what is being said, or if you quickly doze offto the ambient music - you will wake refreshed and hopeful. Don'tbe too surprised if forgiveness occurs; old, broken relationshipsare mended; and you find a sense of peace beyond words with thesituation at hand.I personally have lost family members and friends due to cancerand the experiences were bittersweet. We all became much closer andold hurts and disagreements faded away because the most importantthing we had was our remaining time together. I trust that thisaudio program will empower you and your loved ones to also make themost of your remaining moments because the truth of the matter isthat none of us - healthy or ill - know how much time we have left.Every second counts; cherish it.This app is dedicated in loving memory to my mother, Helen MarieEmery.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
A Student 1.0 - Brainwaves App 1.2
IMPORTANT*****This app is 129 MB and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****A+ Student 1.0 - Homework and Study ConcentrationThis app includes:• 8 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with a powerfulguided imagery technique for learning retention• 3 20-minute audios with unique binaural beat frequencies forstudying (Alpha, Delta, and Theta waves)• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Great study tool - Mom 4.0"This review is for part 1 and 2, since they must be used together.The part 1 audio provides an easy-to-use study technique forretention and later retrieval of material. The part 2 audio is usedwhile studying or working to reinforce the technique. If you can'tstudy while listening to music, you might want to look forsomething else. Michael's voice is soothing, while his suggestionsare clear and easy to adapt. The music is calming, yet doesn't putme to sleep or distract me. Honestly, I was surprised by how Iseemed to just know "the answers" after using this technique."***** Helpful! - Jessica Alvarez"I found this program very helpful since my mind seems to wander alot. It seems to be the perfect amount of time to study then take abreak for a few minutes then return to studying. I've told severalfriends about it. Thanks!"One of the biggest obstacles for students of all ages is findinga way to study without being distracted.Can you remember a specific time when you were studying for anexam or writing an essay, and everything seemed to just be flowingperfectly? Maybe you were listening to music or you just were ableto find yourself in that place where learning seemed easy and youwere beginning to feel very motivated about the possibility oflearning this subject...Then there are most of those other times where you can barelybring yourself to get your books out. Trust me, as a grad schoolstudent, I've been there too. What has helped me the most is aprogram that I designed for myself. I use a unique technique that Icall "The Whiteboard of My Mind". This program totally helps me toget into a powerful state for learning.I'm actually on my third language now and I'm a busy person justlike you. I think you realize the importance of your studies. Afterall, you are investing a lot of time and money into learning thesesubjects... So if you are going to do it at all, why not do itwell? I'll bet you can accomplish more in just twenty minutes usingthe A+ Student program than you normally accomplish in an hour.Want to know why? Distractions...I know you know what I'm talking about - almost anything seemsmore exciting than studying. But, how would things be different ifyou could stay on track for a solid twenty minutes or more? Howmuch more time would you have to do the things you want to do? Howmuch better would your grades become? If your studies are importantto you, then it makes sense to use the methods that will help yoube the most productive, doesn't it? This program is veryinexpensive and most students spend more money than this on justcoffee in a day. So, make your time worthwhile and learn as much asyou can because the world needs you - at your brightest! BeAmazing!<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Release Stress App 1.1
This app includes:• 20 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Wow!"His voice is amazing, his cadence is perfect. It's not typicalhypnosis in that there is no 'close your eyes get comfy' kind ofinduction. It's a track of patter about releasing anxiety. It'sNLP... so if you listen too closely, the words he's saying don'tmake sense and your mind gets confused and gives up and you do gethypnotized. But even if you don't listen too closely, he has donean amazing job of sort of weaving a mental tapestry of an essencethat you get carried along with and some part of you understands.It's so comfortable to get carried away in it that even if youaren't hypnotized, it's so nice to just sit and experience it.Truly a treat. Great job, Michael and I do highly recommend!" - C.Hammond***** Release Stress works for me"Release Stress has been one of the best parts of my day for thepast month. I'm impressed with Emery's work and hope he continuesto make these programs. I like how I can put on this mp3 and 20minutes goes by in a flash and I feel like I slept for a few hours.One of the best out there!" - RowanMany people experience daily life in your variation of this: Thealarm goes off at what seems like an ungodly hour. You stumble to aworkout or directly to the coffee pot. Then you rush to get readyfor work or get others ready for their day. It slows down a littlebit, yet you're racing ever faster inside, as you hurry to wait intraffic - and of course, there is that jerk who cuts you off whiledriving and gives you the international "I'm #1" signal. Finallyyou arrive and your day starts - then you have meetings, deadlines,projects due, clients and customers. [Coffee] break. Maybe you talkto a loved one or a friend. Then you remember you have anappointment after work and it conflicts with another obligation.Oh, did you remember to pay that bill... And, a friend just ended arelationship, lost a client or is unhappy with the new quota andhas to tell you all about it... When your day does finally run outof time, how do you slow down on the inside?We all have goals in life that are important to us and if wedon't routinely take time-out's for ourselves, then we are actuallylimiting the successful achievement of our goals by beingoverstressed or under-rested. This 20 minute program is designed tocreate an environment in which you can allow any stressfulsituation to just fade away. Nearly every person experiences timeswhen things seem too overwhelming and often we don't take the timeneeded to allow our nervous system the downtime it needs torecharge and heal. Think of every time your heart races or you feelstressed out in the average day. If it's not the commute to work orschool, it is arriving someplace important on time, presenting yourideas, or being completely present while a relationship ischanging. Today, more than ever, there are so many things happeningin our lives. Everyone needs a convenient and readily availablemeans of relaxing.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Sheer Resolve 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 55 MB in size and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 40 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Ericksonian hypnosis at its best."Without ever giving you any suggestions to relax or countbackwards or any of the typical hypnotic inductions, this recordingputs you in a deep trance. And I noticed an immediate jump in mywillingness to do what it takes to be successful. Well done." -Adam Khan***** empowered!"after listening to this i believe i can do anything i put my mindto!" - davidBurn the ships behind you... Only one way forward. Victory ordeath… There are some things in life which require more than just alittle motivation and effort. And, there are certain things anindividual must resolve to do because it is absolutely critical tohis or her future, and living without it is inconceivable. Very fewpeople live with a burning sense of conviction that they must dosomething specific; something compelling that constantly runsthrough their minds. To the point that even friends and familymembers question their dedication to such an idea; even mocking itbecause they don’t understand its compelling power over yourlife.Even though this may not be you yet, you will have anopportunity to decide for yourself; to take the plunge into sheerresolve – or not. Either way, it is your decision... Askprofessionals in any field, writers, musicians, actors, medicaldoctors, athletes, entrepreneurs, thought revolutionaries, etc...Those who are successful saw the potential far before theircustomers, clients, beneficiaries, followers, fans, friends, andfamily members ever saw the final outcome of this individual’sresolve. A person like this has already determined the course ofhis or her life. People like this feel it in their bones; everyconversation drifts to their topics of interest; they wake in themiddle of the night with new insights and revelations.Most people just don’t get it, and you’re not alone if you’vethought this. One moment they’ll laugh at you; mock your dedicationand question the ways you spend your time and resources – eventelling you outright that you are wasting your time and shouldfocus on enjoying life and all that stuff you have been missing.But, the moment your efforts gain attention or show the slightestglimmer of hope they’ll say they thought it was a good idea. Whenyour efforts translate into a measurable result and people you donot personally know are impressed by it then those people whodoubted you in the past will state they always thought you had agood idea and they thought you should stick with it. When yourresolve has paid off and the outcome of it is wildly successful,those people will tell anyone who will listen how they knew youfrom the very beginning and knew without a doubt that you wouldalways be successful.I’m sure you get the irony in this…As you apply Sheer Resolve to Do What It Takes to a specificoutcome the encouragement you receive will come from those who areseeking the value you have to offer. They will get what you areabout and they will perceive you under a totally different light. Alight that many of those who know you can’t see… yet.There is something that you know you can do differently - if youjust had the inner resolve to do what it takes beginningtoday...<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Advanced Sports Imagery 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 346 MB in size and may require a WIFI connectionto download efficiently.*****Advanced Sports Imagery: Applied Sports Psychology, SportsHypnosis, NLP and Sports Visualization***** This + practice = winning"Every athlete should be using this! Emery's stuff is right on." -b *breakaway* j***** Advanced Sports Imagery"This is great! Emery's voice is perfect and I use these mp3salmost every day!" - Sammie***** really helps with basketball"don't use this program - unless youre on my team!!!! my boys and ihave been using this stuff all summer in preparation for basketballseason... were gonna do it! ive gotta say mike is the coolest. heemails you back and everything. thanks man!" - JoshAdvanced Sports Imagery for Athletes is a 26-part audio programseries for athletes that will teach you how to apply the besttechniques in the fields of guided imagery, sports psychology,self-hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Prior to asports-related competition, more athletes than not have alreadyprepared themselves to lose – not win, because they are not awareof the ways to do otherwise… Of course, it makes sense that if anathlete wants to win consistently there are important things to doon the outside (physically) and on the inside (mentally) tosucceed, right? In most sports, the majority of the emphasis isplaced upon outer game skills such as physical conditioning,endurance training, and exercises related to a specific sport. Theinner game is a bit more elusive… Exceptional athletes at everylevel tend to develop inner game skills like an understanding ofthe rules, strategies, and psychology of a specific sport. Yet, themost important element that completes the outer game and inner gameskills is the athlete’s ability to change his or her beliefs andlearn to control his or her emotions, mindset and actions.This app includes:• Over 130 minutes of NLP / self-hypnosis audio programs withbinaural beat brainwave frequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Album 1• Overview 1 of 2• Overview 2 of 2• Pre-Practice Warm Up• Post-Practice Cool Down• Beliefs for Athletes• Your Identity as an Athlete• Re-Framing Negative Behaviors and Experiences• Pre-Competition Warm Up• Post-Competition Cool Down• Anchors and Synesthesias• Flow State for Athletes• Stop Making Excuses• Coaching CommunicationAlbum 2• Why Do You Compete?• Future Pace• In the Zone for the Season• Rest and Recovery 1• Rest and Recovery 2• Get Rid of Fear and Anger• Pure Concentration With No Distractions• Peak Performance Under Pressure• Teamwork• Big Picture Learning• Identifying with Your Favorite Athlete• End Limiting Self-Talk• Get Out of Anger and FrustrationThe best Olympic and Professional athletes all over the worldrealize, and openly admit, that their successes begin and end intheir minds. Planning ahead means having the opportunity to knowoneself and turn weaknesses into strengths. This requires theability to pay attention to one’s thoughts and understand how toquickly reframe a situation in order to create a positive outcome –by design.Here is the difference, in a year or two the gear that you havepurchased will probably go into the garbage. However, the lifeskills that have helped you win will continue to improve and opendoors for you for the rest of your life…<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Complete Confidence 1.0 1.1
This app includes:• 30 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Yes!"I get pumped when I listen to this! I use it professionally andpersonally and it has made a tremendous difference in my life. Ifind that instead of trying so hard, I can just relax and let go ofthe outcome. Michael's use of imagery and slowing down a scenarioto practice it makes perfect sense. This is perfect for sales,sports, dating, etc. I recommend this for everyone!" - Jerry BI especially recommend that you use this personal developmentprogram before you perform, present or put yourself into asituation that requires the best you have to offer. And, in myopinion - this is every single moment.I trust you will use this for everything that is important toyou. Simply put, confidence is the trust or faith that something orsomeone is capable in a given situation. Self-confidence is havingconfidence in one's own ability to be capable in a specificsituation. When you slow down your mind and find clarity in yourdesired outcome - it all begins to happen for you... The specificareas of your life affected by your level of confidence are likelyyour health, wealth, relationships, and indirectly yourspirituality.Confidence is not necessarily related to just social situationsor interacting with other people. Your level of confidence isshaped by your feelings - by expanding the sphere of what youbelieve to be possible for you - you create the flexibility torespond competently and proactively when it is important.Very few people take the time to practice what they ideally wantto experience in life, and are often left responding unprepared tothe demands of their environment. As always, it's your choice todecide how you will live. I believe you will be amazed with theclarity and confidence you can live with by incorporating thispractice occasionally, but don't take my word for it. Think aboutthe times when you've wanted to experience more confidence and howthose situations ended... And now, consider a future that youcreate by design - confident that you will make the right decisionsas you encounter them. Now, that's something inspirational I bet...Be Amazing!<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Healing the Inner Child 2.0 1.1
*****IMPORTANT - This app is 54 MB and mayrequire a WIFI connection to download*****This app includes:• 30 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Healing the Inner Child 2.0 - Creating Self-Acceptance is aboutreclaiming and healing your inner child by treating it as afractured or displaced part of you that needs to be healed andgiven a new purpose or responsibility.Until this part is healed, it will unknowingly sabotage yourendeavors in other areas of your life, because it is operatingbased upon outdated information. In case this sounds strange,verify this for yourself... There is most likely an age that youcan remember, back when you were a child that was unnecessarilychallenging or difficult. During that time, various beliefs ormeanings were created about life and your identity and this hasbeen guiding your progress until now. Of course, you've aged sincethen, but you still carry with you that child and the beliefs thatmay need to be updated so that you can experience what you desirein life.This program differs from Healing the Inner Child 1.0 in that itfocuses on your belief system and the beliefs that were createdabout your identity during your childhood. Healing the Inner Child1.0 focuses more upon emotional damage done by other people to youand how to heal those emotional wounds.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Applying Anger - Self Hypnosis 1.1
Applying Anger - Hypnosis for Anger ManagementThis app includes:• 29 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** A great tool for some "attitude adjustment""Michael Emery has mastered the art of self-hypnosis; at leastthat's what I'm calling it. I've listened to a couple of hismeditations; this one "Applying Anger" and "Dynamic Determination",oh wait, make that three, I listened to "Experience Trance" lastnight. All three are GREAT! Applying Anger was very appropriate andhelpful with focusing anger toward and into a specific mentalhang-up thereby releasing the anger while using it to destroy amentally selected hang-up of your choosing. Fascinating concept.His voice is so relaxing, some meditation cd's that I've listenedto of others have nasally, or high pitched voices which can be, forme, distracting. His is the first male meditation cd that I'velistened to. His voice is very calming, not boring, engaging andinteresting." - Merle9999Even as far back as childhood you were probably taught anger is"bad"... In doing so, you were robbed of one of your greatestsources of personal power. Take it back, today.Life happens and one of the things you can count on routinelybeing exposed to is anger. Hey, even if you don't want to thinkthat it affects you, it does because it is becoming more and moreundeniable that our thoughts and actions influence the rest of theworld. In fact, remember this the next time you are driving intraffic and someone cuts you off. Or, when someone tries to forcetheir political, religious or personal beliefs upon you. How farcan they go before you experience anger?It's all around you - all the time gently balanced upon thepivotal point between caged animal savagery and human benevolence.Even in light of your own goals, desires and aspirations - how manytimes do you have to not get what you want before you experiencefrustration followed by anger? You were likely taught to be afraidof letting anger get out of control. So you push it down inside andtry to be calm.Meanwhile, the pressure just builds and instead of focusing itas you can - it just blows up one day.I've found that, in general, our society is very afraid of angerand for many individuals, instead of finding a healthy way toprocess a situation in which they have experienced anger, we oftenjust repress the feelings we are experiencing. Such feelings buildup and because there is usually no constructive way to releasethem, they remain with us and in some cases may even havephysiological side effects such as ulcers, digestive problems,panic attacks and other health complications that have beenattributed to emotional causes.But, what if your anger was perceived to be like a fuel? Mostpeople are afraid to even show anger because they don't trust thatthey can experience anger and still be in control. What if youcould? What things in your life could you apply all energy thistoward? Applying Anger is a unique 29 minute program that creates aprivate, safe place for a person to experience and redirect theiranger. When directed and applied, anger can become one of your mostpowerful resources for achieving what you want in life.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
The Call to the Hero's Journey 1.1
This app includes:• 37 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"This program was originally based off of my grad school studiesregarding men finding purpose in life by experiencing the monomyth- or what Joseph Campbell referred to as the "Hero's Journey".Although originally developed for men, it is readily applicable toeither gender.I'm reminded of a quote by Thoreau written over 150 years ago,"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation..." It seems thatmore and more men are becoming disillusioned with the life that ismost readily available to them today. However, instead of boldlychampioning a cause and pursuing something purposeful, how often dowe shrink in the face of mediocrity?The Call is a program based specifically upon the elements foundin Joseph Campell's literary work, The Hero With A Thousand Faces.Although this program is designed specifically for the Westernmale, it contains various experiences that will be compellinglypowerful for men and women. If you have experienced a disempoweringchildhood, find that your parents still play a more powerful rolein your life than you feel is healthy, or if you are coming out ofa strongly dogmatic background with its roots in organized religionand you are looking for answers then I encourage you to considerthis program.More and more people are finding that the beliefs, experiencesand values that shaped their upbringings did not prepare them toget what they want out of life. Whether that be with their careers,their intimate relationships, their social lives, their health, orspirituality - resolution is needed in order to move toward whatyou want in life.Now you have a resource to guide you through the process ofidentifying and cutting away the old ties to the past whilecreating a future that is aligned with your goals and desires. Itis no secret that more men than not live quiet lives ofdesperation; often wishing and hoping that something compellingenough would happen to push them out of the downward spiral ofmediocrity in which they feel caught. This program will empower youto take the required steps for identifying a life purpose that isboth compelling and meaningful.Consider the state of affairs in the world today... Now morethan ever, you are needed. Powerful, benevolent men and women wholive purposefully and compassionately are what the worlddesperately desires. Answer - The Call - today and in time you willnotice how everything changes.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
End Your Day Perfectly 1.1
This app includes:• 20 minute NLP / guided imagery audio program with binauralbeat frequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Relaxing"I have listened to a lot of Michael's programs, and this one isvery relaxing with imagery that makes it so easy to let go of theday. Two thumbs up!" - Elsa JacobsCommunication with your unconscious mind is by definitionhypnosis. When you use your own internal imagery, create your ownimagined scenarios, visualize, and experience emotions as a resultof your internal imagery - this is self-hypnosis.I've personally found that the best way to access my unconsciousmind is through the use of guided visualization prior to fallingasleep. Imagine this to be like planting seeds in the field of yourunconscious. What you pay attention to will permeate throughoutyour mind and body; resulting in the emotions, mindsets, and theactions that you experience in the future.By creating a practice of continuously reviewing what you wantto experience, and learning to let go of all the stuff from thepast that will never result in what you want to experience, you canlearn to end your day perfectly.This guided imagery and self-hypnosis program will empower youto let go of the past and place your focus upon the importantthings in the near future that you want to experience.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Complete Confidence 2.0 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 51 MB in size and may require a WIFI connection todownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 27 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Once you have integrated the techniques you learned in CompleteConfidence 1.0, you'll be ready to take your confidence to the nextlevel by learning how you can anchor expanding emotional statesinto your body. When you begin to consider the state of"confidence" it most likely involves much more than just an idea ora feeling. You may find that it can be a meta-belief - a beliefabout all of your beliefs - which shares the underlying theme thatyou are capable of managing uncertainty because you can controlyour emotional and physiological states. And, as you'reexperiencing confidence in the near future, looking back you'llknow that you're moving forward in life, overcoming moderatechallenges, and excitedly anticipating even bigger challenges withgreater rewards.Complete Confidence 2.0 - Wrapping Emotional States will assistin freezing old perceptions of the past experiences lackingconfidence, while empowering you to place your focus uponharnessing the emotional and kinesthetic states that are innatelyinvolved in confidence in preparation of important future events.I'm confident that once you begin using this program, you'll beprepared to confidently move toward what you want in life.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Start Your Day Right 1.1
This app includes:• 17 minute NLP / guided meditation audio program with binauralbeat frequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Get It!"Been listening to this for almost a week. Every day I'm fired up!"- PhilipEvery day is a brand-new start...This personal development program creates an excellentopportunity for you to reframe each morning. Wake up, roll over,and put on your headset. You have another 20 minutes to doze and awonderful opportunity to program your unconscious mind inpreparation for the day ahead of you.Never knowing what day might be your last, seize thisopportunity by finding the energy that propels you forward; lookingfor opportunities to live life to its fullest. This program is acatalyst propelling you toward what is truly important andsignificant to your life and the lives of those you care about…This NLP-based guided meditation will empower you to capture themoment, energize your self, and find new ways to inspire otherswith your compassion and self-awareness.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Healing the Inner Child 1.0 1.1
This app includes:• 30 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Powerful!"I am overwhelmed and at a loss for words. Sometimes you needsomeone else to help you really see." - P. Kurdziel***** Different..."Nothing spectacular happened the first time I listened to thisprogram. I had some memories come up that I hadn't thought aboutfor decades, but it seemed to be more of a process of just gettingback in touch with what I was feeling and experiencing as a child.Things must have been percolating though because about a week laterI listened to it again and it was like a flood of memories cameback and they were very intense. I realized I had taken on a lot ofbeliefs that weren't necessarily true but they seemed to make senseat the time. The incredible thing was some of the beliefs were dueto old experiences with my father. He wasn't a bad person oranything, he just worked a lot and was never around. I didn'trealize how abandoned I felt because of that. Even though my fatheris now deceased, I feel differently towards him. Like ourrelationship has been healed and I feel inspired to be more presentfor my children." - RowanWhat if you were able to relive your childhood?Or, any time in your past.It might sound silly or strange at first, but just think aboutit for a second...What immediately comes to mind as a past experience or situationthat you would change?What things would you choose to experience based upon what youknow today because you knew they would have life-changing,beneficial advantages?So many people despondently wish that their childhood wasdifferent - that their parents were different, the environment wasbetter, other people treated them differently, or that they hadmore resources like food, money, or social status. What is oftenoverlooked is the process that all of your past experiences share:they formed your beliefs about what is or is not possible for youtoday. Even at an unconscious level, you are reacting to yourenvironment based upon the patterns that were likely formed duringyour earliest years.Over time, those patterns became so solidified that they are theunconscious rules guiding your behavior, your personality, and youractions. If you want to have a different future than what you haveexperienced so far in life - begin by identifying the beliefs thatshaped you in your most formative years. The world is waiting foryour greatness, so there is no valid reason or excuse to not hurryup and become an amazing person who contributes beneficially tothis world! We need you!<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the Institute ofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing andAdvertising Management from Portland State University.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapist and atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michael encouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listen to Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview of EricksonianHypnosis.
Full Forgiveness - Hypnosis 1.1
IMPORTANT**** This app is 60 MB and may require a WIFI connectiontodownload. ****This app includes:• 37 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binauralbeatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Life changing..."If you're struggling with any aspect of resentment towardsanother,or even your situation in life, this download istremendouslyhealing. I wouldn't have believed it, had I notexperienced itpersonally." - katie***** Life changing"This program really works. I intended to use it to help meforgiveothers and I also feel it helped me to somehow be forgivenbypeople I haven't been in touch with for years. Its strangetoconsider, but I feel so different!" - Lani***** Forgiveness"I liked Michael's metaphors. It all makes sense to me and helpedmelet go of a situation I had been dragging around for decades."-RobertTwenty-five centuries ago, a man by the name ofSiddhārthaGautama, known to most of us as The Buddha is recorded ashavingsaid, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal withtheintent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one whogetsburned.”Maxwell Maltz, the author of Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Way toGetMore Living Out of Life wrote, "Forgiveness, when it is realandgenuine and complete, and forgotten—is the scalpel which canremovethe pus from old emotional wounds, heal them, and eliminatescartissue. Forgiveness which is partial, or half-hearted, worksnobetter than a partially completed surgical operation ontheface."It is not uncommon to hear the opinion that forgiveness beusedas an emotional weapon - to be better than an enemy orwrongdoer.This is like a lie that is 97% true, but the 3% falsehoodstillmakes it a lie. Full Forgiveness empowers you to drop the hotcoalthat has been burning you. It cuts out, eradicates, cancels,andmakes the wrong as if it had never been. Some people mayhavelearned or perceived forgiveness equals weakness. Yet, whichtrulytakes a stronger person? Forgiveness is an internal processthatcan begin today for you. Use this NLP and hypnosis app totakeresponsibility for healing yourself. Begin the process ofcreatingripples in your life, trusting that these ripples willaffect thelives of countless others.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Attracting Wealth - Hypnosis 1.2
IMPORTANT*****This app is 81 MB in size and may require a WIFI connectiontodownload efficiently.*****Attracting Wealth - Hypnosis App for EntrepreneursThis app includes:• 25 minute audio program Attracting Wealth 1.0 (NLP/self-hypnosis audio program with binaural beat frequencies)• 39 minute audio program Attracting Wealth 2.0: BecomingtheExpert• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"You do deserve to live life to its fullest, don't you? Whatifthe only thing separating you from the life you truly desirehasbeen impatiently waiting for today...?What does the word wealth mean to you? Does it conjure upanyimages in your mind? Do you respond positively or negativelytothese ideas? Maybe it sounds like something that would be nice,butis just so far away from reality for you...? A funnyquestionperhaps, but what would be different if you were to wakeuptomorrow... wealthy? Go ahead, feel free to imagine this for justasecond... Now, there is a subtle difference in this question -howwould you be different tomorrow if you were wealthy?If you're looking for a new age, magical-thinking solutioninwhich you won't have to turn ideas into action, then thisprogramis definitely not for you. This is about sharpening yourinner eyeto perceive opportunities to add value to other people. Inmanyways, this is marketing 101 for the entrepreneur, but withadifferent spin utilizing the imagination inspiringbrainwavefrequency of the hypnagogic state - the creative nap timeused bythe likes of Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali, Thomas Edison,andmany more...The Attracting Wealth 1.0 program will take you throughseveralexercises specifically designed to strengthen your senseofdeservedness, align your purpose with your values, integratenewways of attracting wealth into your life by beginning to sortforopportunities disguised as problems and creating clarity inyourunique way of living in abundance.What if you were the expert?At the heart of entrepreneurialism is the mindset that foreveryproblem there is a solution waiting. Attracting Wealth 2.0-Becoming the Expert is about sorting for ways that you can begintouniquely add value to other people by solving their problems,andbeginning to perceive yourself as an evolving expert.A key perspective is that the major opportunity you havetobenefit yourself and those you care about, is to become anexpertin the field of your personal interests and latent abilities.Overtime, and sooner than you might think, through both hard workandpassion you can harness your unique way of serving others."The leading ambition connected with your work shouldbeaccomplishment -- not gain, but accomplishment," wroteEdmondBordeaux Szekely in his book Creative Work: Karma Yoga. Myopinionis that wealth originates with an inherent, internal drivetocreate, which when harnessed and brought to the serviceofhumankind results in the experience of wealth in all of itsforms.Pursue the accomplishment, champion a cause; and, as youfindyourself on the path to personal significance while servingothers,financial gain will soon find you.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Just Your Luck - Hypnosis 1.1
IMPORTANT**** This app is 60 MB and may require a WIFI connection todownloadefficiently. ****This app includes:• 46 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binauralbeatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** Magical"Wow! I was told about this by a friend and didn't know whattoexpect. After just listening to 3 minutes I was truly engagedandinspired. Michael has a very soothing voice, and thebackgroundmusic was soft and appealing. The visualization exercisein thismp3 is really easy and effective. I don't know what it is,butsomething shifted inside me after just one listen. I planonlistening to this mp3 again." - KindredThis is possibly one of my most playful programs to date.JustYour Luck is really about you, and people all over theworld,reclaiming your self-autonomy and choosing to live in anempoweringway. Trusting... that more people are joining you everyday;sharing similar values that promote individual andcollectivewell-being.One of my points in this program is that you always have achoiceas to how you are going to process and perceive information,events,circumstances and the way your life unfolds. In light ofall ofthis, what if I can help you in a specific way, to payattention toyour unconscious mind? And, the signals that signalyou're in thewrong place at the wrong time - so that you'll knowwhen to get outof there by having the insight to quickly andquietly removeyourself. And, likewise, how you’ve unconsciouslyknown when you'rein the right place… at the right time... possiblyeven rightnow.This could be defined as one variation of luck, right?This program is going to help you create a heightened senseofawareness regarding the way you have processed information inthepast - in ways that some people have attributed to luckormisfortune, and if you don’t believe in either, then you’realreadyahead of the game.But, if you do, this just means you’re fortunate enough tobehere at the right time and the right place to be reading aboutthisprogram – perhaps it’s a synchronicity that might unfold intoevengreater possibilities when you take the next step?Either way, you can use this NLP and self hypnosis programtocreate flexibility with the way that you interact withlife'slittle surprises, and take control of your emotional stateandmindset.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
NLP Hypnosis & Meditation 1.0
Attention Shifting, LLC
If you are finding your eyes followingthesewords, then your life is about to change dramatically… ifyouchoose to take the next step.After installing this free app you will be immersed into aworldof possibility and potential - waiting for you to decide justhowbig, exciting and vivid you want your life's experiences tobe.Language and words structure what we perceive to bereality.Through the filter of your paradigm (your personalexperiences,education, culture, language, and belief system) youassignmeaning(s) to every experience and these becomeunconsciouspatterns that alter your perceptions of the underlyingcauses ofyour life experiences and your identity. Change your wordsand youchange your life.This free app includes the following programs:- Experience Trance: An overview of Ericksonian Hypnosis -thefield of indirect hypnosis from which neuro-linguisticprogramming(NLP) was developed. (25 min. audio)- Intro to NLP: An experiential overview ofneuro-linguisticprogramming. (25 min. audio)- Tipping Point Meditation: Daily guided group meditationforglobal peace and innovation. (25 min. audio)- Disappearing Cancer: Emotional management, guided imagery,andNLP reframing for people whose lives have been affected bycancer.(50 min. audio)As you begin to understand that all communication is hypnoticbynature, then you can begin to change how words are used. We areourown best hypnotists and often the language we use limits usorfrees us in our overall experience of life.The following audio programs are available for unlimited usewitha weekly subscription. New content will be added each monthandevery program can be used multiple times. Each of theAttentionShifting personal development programs have a uniqueprocess, feel,and approach designed to empower the listener. Theseaudio programsutilize NLP (neuro-linguistic programming),Ericksonian hypnosis,meditation, binaural beats, brainwavefrequencies, and guidedvisualization and imagery to help thelistener experience personaltransformation.Due to limitations in the app description length, there isnotenough room to list all of the audios available in theweeklysubscription. There are over $1,455 in audio programsavailable foronly $9.99 per week AND the 1st week is a free trialfor you to beabsolutely certain about your decision. You've gotnothing to loseand everything [you've been desiring] to gain. I'llsee you on theinside....? Be Amazing.-About the Developer-Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
A+ Student 2.0: How to Study 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 107 MB in size and may require a WIFI connectiontodownload efficiently.*****A+ Student 2.0: Learn How to Study - Hypnosis App / NLP AppThis app includes:• 21 minute audio program: The A+ Student 2.0 - CreatingPowerfulStudy Habits (There is a physiology associated withlearning. Forsome students, this means that as you are being sweptaway in theprocess of learning as your body is designed to holdthe mostconducive postures and states depending upon the type oflearningexperience. For others, they stay fixated - externallyfrozen astheir minds expand inwardly drinking in new knowledge.Unless you'vebeen paying close attention, you've probablyoverlooked your unique"learning state". A+ Student 2.0 - CreatingPowerful Study Habitswill empower you to become aware to utilizeeverything thatpositively affects your capacity to learn.)• 20 minute audio program: A+ Student 2.0 - End TestAnxiety(Learning is state-dependent and many students experienceafrantic, last-minute-whirlwind approach to exam preparation.And,since they take the exam in a similar high-stress state,somepeople manage to do alright, but then unsurprisingly becomesick orfall out of commission a few days later because of thestress theyexperienced. Additionally, there tend to be problemswith long-termmemory and retention; remembering what they weresupposed to havelearned in the first place. This program will sharewith you aunique way to manage your emotional state, calm yournerves, clearyour head, and be completely present when it is testtime.)• 22 minute audio program: A+ Student 2.0 - TimeManagementStrategies (Many students experience challenges when itcomes totime management. Often this has to do with creating aneuralfeedback loop of anticipating pain (discomfort or a sense ofloss)and then experiencing that pain when they reflect upon theotherthings they would rather be doing with their time whiledoinghomework or studying. A+ Student 2.0 - Time ManagementStrategieswill teach you how to manage your time effectively byexperiencinga flow state. When you can begin to look forward tostudyingbecause the time will pass quickly, and your results provethat youcan efficiently learn and complete your homework - then youwillhave broken that old feedback loop and replaced it with anewempowering pattern for you and your future.)• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP &EricksonianHypnosis"Good Study TechniquesWouldn't you agree that it's about time you learned some goodstudyhabits, some memory techniques, and understood the best waytostudy? Too many students waste so much time when it comestopreparing for exams and doing homework. The problem is that whenitcomes to education, most of us were never actually taughtaneffective process for the best way to study. This creates amajorcatch-22 for the average person, doesn't it? How canyoueffectively learn how to study if you aren't even aware ofgoodstudy techniques, the ways to improve study habits, or thememorytechniques used by the most successful learners?Ways to Improve Study HabitsThis probably isn't the first time you've been searching for howtostudy better or the best way to study. The A+ Student 2.0 willgiveyou powerful, time tested NLP, self-hypnosis and guidedimagerytechniques that will empower you to study more effectively,staycalm and focused during tests, and cause study time to passbyquickly and effortlessly.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Network Marketing Biz Opp 1.0
Attention Shifting, LLC
Le-Vel Thrive is a new cloud-basednetworkmarketing business opportunity that is quickly growing.There areno barriers to entry and no cost to promote Le-Vel. In thepast 12months, there has been over 4,300% growth because Le-Vel isone ofthe few network marketing companies to not charge anenrollmentfee.Use this app to learn about Le-Vel and register as aLe-Veldistributor. Currently distribution is available in theUSA,Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Mexicoissoon to open.LE-VEL THRIVE BUSINESS MODELThose most successful in Le-Vel understand that replicationisthe key to success. With that in mind, we have developed thesefoursimple steps that anyone can follow and then teach totheirPromoters.1. Enroll as a Le-Vel Brand PromoterChoose one of the Enrollment or Upgrade packages tobecomeinstantly Qualified & Active, or become Qualified &Activeby accumulating single orders.2. Get Qualified & Maintain Active StatusIn order to earn most commissions, you are required to bebothQualified & Active. Qualified means you have purchased orsold(to customers) at least 100PV worth of products sinceyourenrollment. Active means you have maintained Personal orCustomerproduct orders totaling at least 100PV per month.3. Refer 2 Customers to the Autoship ProgramWhen you have 2 personal Customers enrolled in theAutoshipProgram, you are elgible to receive free product each andeverymonth as long as they continue their Autoship. You willreceiveLe-Vel credit equal to the average of your two highestpersonalCustomer Autoship orders.4. Enroll 4 Promoters & Help Them Complete All 4 StepsBegin to grow your team, drive sales, and increase commissionsbysharing the Le-Vel Opportunity with others and helping themthrougheach of these four steps. Also, in order to advance in theLVRewards Plan and take advantage of all the earningpossibilities,you will want to have 4 or more Active legs (Q&ALevel 1Promoters)LE-VEL THRIVE PRODUCTSThe THRIVE Experience is an 8 week premium lifestyle plan,tohelp individuals experience and reach peak physical andmentallevels. You're going to live, look, and feel Ultra Premiumlikenever before! Results from the THRIVE Experience are highimpact,and can slightly differ for everyone – depending on whichareas ofyour lifestyle need the most help – and depending on your 8weekgoal. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get in the bestshape ofyour life, or simply be the best you can be, we know theTHRIVE 8Week Experience will get you THRIVIN' in all areas of yourlife!Individuals on the Experience will enjoy premium supportandbenefits in the areas of:> Weight Management > Cognitive Performance> Digestive & Immune Support > Joint Support> Lean Muscle Support > Aches & Discomfort Relief> Anti-Aging & Antioxidant SupportTHRIVE by Le-Vel is something that's hard to explain,andchallenging to describe... it's something that can onlybeexperienced.
PTSD and Traumatic Stress 1.2
PTSD and Traumatic Stress - Anxiety RecoveryStrategies will empower you to manage your emotional state byapplying the latest, science-based approaches to traumarecovery.This app contains a 16 minute video discussing PTSD and traumaticstress - sharing with you important and often overlooked signs andsymptoms of trauma and covering approaches you can use on your ownto recover from past traumas and anxiety. In addition to the video,this app includes 2 guided imagery audio programs with bilateralmusic backgrounds that will help to calm your mind and reset yournervous system. Also included is 1 bilateral music soundscape withbrainwave frequencies designed to help you relax your mind andbody.There are also 10 other in-app purchases with previews in case youwant additional programs to help you address the symptoms of PTSDand traumatic stress.In total this app includes:- 1 video (16 minutes)- 2 audio programs (30 minutes each program - guided imagery andvisualization with binaural beat music backgrounds)- 1 music soundscape (26 minutes - bilateral, binaural beatmusic)
Expressive Personality 2.0 1.1
IMPORTANT*****This app is 87 MB in size and may require a WIFI connectiontodownload efficiently.*****This app includes:• 53 minute NLP / guided imagery audio program with binauralbeatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"There are instinctual emotions and cognitive emotions justasthere is instinctual behavior and learned behavior. Sometimesthetwo get mixed up and often experiencing emotional overload istheresult when a person does not have flexibility when it comestochanging emotional states.Expressive Personality 2.0 - Bi-lateral State Movementwillcreate an environment in which you can rehearse a varietyofemotional and mental states by learning to embody a state,emoteit, and kinesthetically experience transferring this statefrom oneside of your body to the other; fully activating your leftandright brain hemispheres. I'll bet you've never practicedanythinglike this full-body learning technique!Keep in mind that you are a dynamic, continuouslyevolving,constantly changing human - doing a multitude of complextaskswhile moving through the process we call the humanexperience.Expressive Personality 2.0 is a practical step inrefining yourability to embody a full spectrum of emotional andmental states.This is functional state management!<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Hypnosis App - Attention Shift 2.2.1
Attention Shifting, LLC
Personal Development - Life Coaching App with NLP, Brainwaves &Meditation Music